BIO-Insecticide for Codling Moth on apple trees
An essential ally for users of the sexual confusion technique.
Only attacks the codling moth allowing all other beneficial insects, including pollinating insects, to complete their tasks.
Is a reduced risk product for human health and the environment compared to conventional pesticides.
Is recognized as a biological insecticide, registered with OMRI in the United States.
Contributes to the management of resistance to pesticides and to the reduction of their residues.
The Virosoft CP4 advantage
Virosoft CP4 is the short-and long-term response for protection against the attack of codling moth. Insects that are still active and found in the major fruit areas of North America. It offers performance that rivals and sometimes surpasses that of conventional chemical insecticides.
Virosoft CP4 makes it possible to carry out a biological fight against the codling moth by infecting them with a granulovirus,Cydia pomonella granulosis (CpGV CP-4) which, once ingested, kills the larva even before it can enter the fruit. It thus protects the crops and ensures a better yield.
CpGV- CP4 was isolated from codling moths sourced from Canada’s “Microbial Ecozone 4,” which includes the Great Lakes, North-Eastern United States and Canadian Maritimes. It is a different lineage from the other CpGV-M already used in bio-insecticides available on the market.
Virosoft CP4 is recognized for use in organic production and is OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed.
Virosoft CP4 leaves no residue during late season applications. In addition, it is unlikely to cause adverse effects to birds, bees, invertebrates, fish, mammals and plants because its active ingredient does not penetrate plant tissue.

One liter (or one quart) of Virosoft CP4 can protect from four to six hectares (10 to 16 acres). It should be used at a dose of 167 ml to 250 ml per hectare (1.6 to 3.2 fluid ounces per acre). For each use, always shake the product well in its container before measuring and pouring into the sprayer.
When to Use
It is important to begin applying Virosoft CP4 as soon as eggs are hatched. In general, this happens between 95-110 DDC (175-200 DDF) after the biofix, i.e. at the first regular capture of codling moths.
Applications should be planned so that the young codling moth larvae can come into contact with the product and ingest it before they get inside the fruit.
Storage/Shelf Life
Store any unused product in its original container, protected from direct sunlight.
For short-term storage and once thawed, it can be stored for up to three months at room temperature (20°C) before being opened. Once the container has been opened, it may be stored refrigerated at 4°C for up to three months.
For long-term storage (more than four months between uses), stored frozen at -18°C , the product can be kept for several years without risk of loss of effectiveness.
Where possible, rotate the use of Virosoft CP4 and any other group of similar insecticides containing the CpGV-type virus with different groups that control the same insects.
We recommend Madex HP
Virosoft CP4 targets newly hatched larvae before they are able to mature into moths. Once the biopesticide is ingested by the larvae, the virus multiplies itself inside de larvae, they die and release more virus particles that are ingested by other larvae.
Once infected, diseased larvae stop feeding and dead infected larvae produce more biopesticides. As a result, the number of codling moth or OFM larvae is reduced within approximately a week. After a period of time, the overall population is considerably reduced as the virus becomes endemic.