Apimil® is formulated with natural ingredients.
It contains a combination of fragrances that can mask the pheromones of honey bees. Apimil® is a natural alternative to a traditional smoker.
In addition, it may be used to significantly improve the success rate of introducing honey bee queens, prevent robbing and improve the success rate of combining colonies.

HOW to use APIMIL®
Dilution - Mix
The product is intended to be sprayed by means of a manual sprayer. Apimil® is a concentrate which should be diluted with water before use as follows: 100 ml of the product should be diluted to 1 litre with water.

Apiary results
The result of the test indicates a significant reduction of stinging tendencies after using Apimil®.

queen bee introduction
The result of the test showed 100% of the effectiveness of introducing honey bee queens after using Apimil®.